In loving, living memory, John Melançon 1928 – 2007
Dropped H off at South Station after only missing a few turns on the highway getting into Boston, took the rental back to the airport, and returned to South Station via silver line. We've got a system, now.
A is still apartment hunting.
AG doing all right.
Thank the god she doesn't particularly believe in, a good conversation again with K.
She said perfectly what we need: Work for a real company, learn some things we like about how they operate, and all the things we don't like about how they operate, and then do our own thing.
Stayed at Veronica's. Watched Pretty Woman (well, the last three-quarters anyway) for the first time. Love the 'i don't want to
And the very end, with a street guy giving the closing message.
And then stayed in the room for way, way too much television.