In loving, living memory, John Melançon 1928 – 2007
$314 for a Feb 1 trip, one way, Boston to Mexico City, on Cheaptickets.
Not easy to find actual government information on visiting Guatemala (and whatever you think of governments, the US and Guatemalan governments are where to get information on visa and travel requirements, not but here it is:
It seems, no visa requirement. Almost feel like paying the $25 anyway. Plus, should not forget the $30 exit fee. Though if we don't fly out probably none of that applies.
Letters for info...
Hi Greg,
Congratulations on 2010! I hope the donations are coming in and making things nearly sustainable.
Andrea Wilkins y Martínez is putting together a tour for her and me in February, with these very precise coordinates:
week 1 - mexico city
week 2 - oaxaca
week 3 - chiapas
week 4 - guatemalaAnd i seek your advice on where to see and what to go and where to do...
i would *like* to be more than a tourist, and certainly Andrea would, so any ways we can actually be useful to you and everyone else working for a "fairer, happier, more vibrant future for the entire American continent" would be awesome, but i'm not delusional about how useful i can actually be and am comfortable with try-to-do-no-harm and see some of North America South of the U.S. for the first time.
I have zero money at the moment (that should change, slightly) and Andrea's going to try to fund us off her unemployment, if that has any bearing.
your erstwhile revolutionary tourist apprentice,
in solidarity,