In loving, living memory, John Melançon 1928 – 2007
my submission to open for questions (their round 2 which seems in part an attempt to keep questions about ending marijuana and other drug prohibition out of the top 5).
"The middle class already pays taxes on wealth with local taxes on homes and vehicles. Will you look into having the vast paper wealth of the richest (most of it not earned) share this burden? This revenue could go straight to all people, not gov't."
Benjamin Melançon, Natick, Massachusetts
- Economy
I make a living doing web design and development with a great team
The Agaric Design Collective
I'm trying to make possible a worldwide nonviolent revolution for justice, liberty, and making more good things doable.
People Who Give a Damn
You're on the world stage, now. Don't fall off.
— Uric Lanbe