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U.S. Food Aid Rejected as Hurting Poor

U.S.-based CARE International has forfeited its substantial slice of the food aid pie that is the U.S. “Food for Peace” program, claiming that the way the U.S. government distributes food hurts small poor farmers in the very communities and countries the program is supposed to help.

Inter Press Service

This is big. Known this for some time, that our subsidized food and food aid crippled the agricultural economies of much of the third world, but CARE saying so is big.

Journalism schools and Fourth Estate don't need to adapt, they need to change their purpose

After learning the history/meaning of the term "Fourth Estate" it's says something about the sad condition of journalism, ahistorical and uncaring, that this term has enjoyed as much currency as it has.

An extension of the three estates declared by Louis XVI in 1789! Lords, clergy, and commoners (which didn't include poor folk). That journalism would ever aspire or declare itself an estate in such an undemocratic system or conception of society...

At least the essay is about moving beyond that.

But it provides almost nothing worthwhile in my opinion.

Death by Numbers (a not very statistical, U.S.-oriented look at the imbalance in media)

Death by Numbers
We’re obssessed with plane crashes and bridge collapses, yet we pay little attention to the stuff that kills the rest of us.
by Meghan Daum
Published on Saturday, August 18, 2007 by The Los Angeles Times

Good reference for the point that news should be about what matters – with death being a useful, unambiguous defining of important –

The tallest building in the world – and slave labor – in the UAE

In case we needed reminding that the fight against injustice is a fight needing to be fought everywhere, here's a brief article on slave-labor conditions of immigrant workers in oil-rich countries:

Rupert Murdoch buys the Wall Street Journal: good news for economic justice?

Steve Boriss of posted that Rupert Murdoch would split the national newspaper market into right and left, with the Wall Street Journal overshadowing the allegedly liberal New York Times and Wall Street Journal. I think he's right but noted on his site:

Except that CNN, NY Times, and Washington Post aren't really left in any way that matters, certainly not on matters of economic justice that would bother the 2% of people like Rupert Murdoch who claim to own half the planet.

First They Came for the Latinos

Allow me to introduce you to the Moment of Truth
4-28-07 First They Came for the Latinos

What's Wrong with Economics

A Guide to What’s Wrong with Economics (2004)

Need for other visions beyond neoclassical.

Including a chapter by Richard Wolf.

From the chapter list it is mostly about what's wrong and the need for alternatives, but as it looks to be written by people who are studying and creating fuller, more useful, and more human models, I'm sure a lot of that gets in.

Pedal-power not yet cost effective for one person

12 vote plug muscle power... volt even.

$800 for everything.
Average household uses 10,000 kwh electricity a year

The average cost per kWh of electricity is about 10 cents.
So, .01 cents per Watt-hour.

That's $0.1 per kWh
or $0.0001 per Watt-hour.

So $800 / $.0001 per watt-hour = the need to generate 8,000,000 watt-hours to pay this off.

Assignment Zero Pro-Am journalism: what was the point?

So Jay Rosen's Assignment Zero - - is done, did not by force of momentum turn into a huge community of citizen amateur and professional journalists, and a leader of the project openly asks if it failed.

Tish Grier has a more positive take, and I respect her opinion.

But I never saw the point of the project in the first place.

1974 ad by oil company advocating democratic reforms

had ad on back of 1974 National Geographic advocating democratic reforms (one person one vote, hinting at abolition of electoral college)

The real
Our election laws and
traditions reflect the country
as it was decades ago.
The time has come to ask
some basic questions.

How long should elected officials serve?
Is there still a need for the electoral college?
Should taxpayers foot the bill for election campaigns?
Does our present system truly provide one vote for each person?

Song-to-song free association travel game

travel game

Homefries played it with others going to a queer prom, and shared it with us.

Someone starts singing a song, and anyone else can take over by singing a different song (no repeats) that they are reminded of

We added the concept of a challenge-- are those songs really connected? Of course, we accept any answer, and no one keeps score...

Jeff tended to add backup bass or other vocalizations to good songs, and we'd all sing along sometimes.

Posting bail in western Washington state

If you need to bail people out in Spokane, Washington, look for Pete's. In particular, a worker with a name beginning with L.

They give group discounts!

Front page story saves Chicago food pantry

The power of the media, when used.

'The freezers are full': Kindness of strangers saves pantry

By Lolly Bowean
Tribune staff reporter
Published July 4, 2007
On Tuesday afternoon LoQuator Dinkins was inside her Hazel Crest food pantry explaining to a client that she didn't have meat and canned goods, but he could take all the bread and fresh produce he could eat.

People brought food, paid her electric bill, and made donations.

License for Non-Commercial use of public policy data (CPI's Media Tracker)

New Open Free Data License:


From: Center for Public Integrity
Date: Jul 3, 2007 9:50 AM
Subject: Center Releases License for Non-Commercial Use of Its Media Tracker

Contact: Steve Carpinelli (202) 481-1225

Center Releases License for Non-Commercial Use of Its Media Tracker
Media and Telecom Project Provides Researchers Freedom to Use Data

The power of the media, when used

'The freezers are full': Kindness of strangers saves pantry

By Lolly Bowean
Tribune staff reporter
Published July 4, 2007
On Tuesday afternoon LoQuator Dinkins was inside her Hazel Crest food pantry explaining to a client that she didn't have meat and canned goods, but he could take all the bread and fresh produce he could eat.

People brought food, paid her electric bill, and made donations.

Ecological razor

Wanting to shave without destroying the planet through production, packaging, and shipping, I went searching...

most planet-friendly razor
sustainable razor

Found this...
... but it appears to have disposable blades that come in excessive packaging! Frankly, the handle wasn't the part of the razor that bothered me.

I bought a razor sharpening kit from Sustainable Village instead:
EP7681 Razor Saver $ 12.00