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Election 2012 excess thoughts

My girlfriend went to sleep so you all in the general world will have the remainder of my post-election musings foisted upon you.

What is covered and what should be covered: Mom asking how to spell potatoes brought up the comedic obsession

Any of us who purport to do journalism need to focus on what matters. Instead there is a focus on what is easy to say. Something wrong or meaningless or both, but it fits into the story that has already been told. Al Gore as exaggerator. (Not more than any other politician, especially not for the usual claims against him.) Dan Quayle as dumb.

Get Published and Testify in Congress by Being a Flack for Mass Murderers

How someone becomes an expert by saying things people with power want said.

This is incredibly sad.


Don Cheadle wants a gangster president (in a good way)

Don has

Egypt in 2011 is not Iran in 1979

Stephen Zunes lays it out well: Why Egypt Will Not Be Another Iran

The "international community" and Haiti

There is no "international community". There are governments, there are people who give a damn, and there are people in Haiti fighting to survive. We need to get resources directly to people in Haiti, not let our government try to maintain its control over Haiti's destiny that has been so disastrous for Haiti. Bill Clinton and George W.

Insane media and political environment: How'd we lose Van Jones

So i'm about a year behind on this, but i hadn't heard the details before... Van Jones resigned so that his presence would not distract from getting health care and clean energy legislation passed (where the Republicans are trying to block everything anyway). His controversy? Having signed a petition asking for an investigation into the Sept 11 2001 attacks to include looking at what some U.S. officials may have known in advance. Asking for an investigation. And apparently at some other point he said something mean about Republicans.

Helen Thomas is smarter than Israel's lobby

Helen Thomas is more than politically savvy enough to know that resigning now and letting Israel's right-wing lobby take credit for forcing the end to her career does far more damage to their cause of Uncriticizable Israel than anything else she could do.


"Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me."
As spoken by someone like G.W. Bush or Supreme Leader Khamenei: "I name thee Terrorist-who-should-be-beaten-with-sticks-and-stones."
"OK, there's a gray area."

Israeli Government Destroying Lives In and Out of Gaza for Years to Come

To anyone who thinks that killing more and more people, and destroying more and more of people's homes and hospitals and businesses and infrastructure, is any kind of solution – short of total genocide – to rockets and occasional suicide bombing attacks, I have one question:

Have you ever been in a fight?

Even if the guy attacking you weighs over 200 pounds and you weigh 100 pounds, you are going to try to fight back.

Note that, on the other hand, you are much less likely to start or re-start any fight.

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