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Avoiding Complicity in Funding War Crimes: Avoiding Taxes

David Gross posted this to Common Dreams below Jodie Evan's article:

There must be fifteen ways to stop paying for the war…

1) Join the “Don’t Buy Bush’s War” campaign

Take the pledge to refuse to pay a portion of your income tax when 100,000 others pledge likewise.
Link ->

2) Join the 2008 War Tax Boycott

Beat the rush and sign up now to start resisting your income tax right away.
Link ->

3) Get under the tax line

Citizen Science and Grid Computing

Distributed research and work, etc.

Completely the kind of technology for PWGD to both use and develop.

Saying more by saying less: it's the PWGD way

Knowing when to let go is one key to effective communication.

Always let a fool have the last word.

PWGD democratic moderation solves this dilemma. Not many people have to listen to the fool.

"A more concrete goal... might encourage more participation."

Another piece of key PWGD strategy, from Nancy Davies look at the current situation of the social movements in Oaxaca, Mexico:

Affero and PWGD

Except for all the people he knows and what he's actually done, Henri Poole's thoughts could be mine exactly:

Network effect

PWGD aims to be the world's largest network effect.

Network effects – the power that a product or service has not because of anything intrinsic to itself, but because other people also use it – should never be captured and controlled by a single private entity, let alone the corporate profit-making entities that usually get to extract a lot of the benefits.

Microsoft Windows. MySpace. Facebook. Government.

Your tax dollars at work: legislators voting for each other


I think we're ready for PWGD-style direct electronic democracy.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: New BBV report: Pork Spending of HAVA Funds...
Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2007 15:43:37 -0700
From: Black Box Voting

Because you need to laugh first: Hilarious (but improper) video of Texas lawmakers racing around the room to double, triple, quadruple-vote, against the rules: Click here -


To Truthout, regarding their fight with AOL and Yahoo

In help to:

In regards to the difficulties people have receiving Truthout e-mail at AOL and Yahoo, may I suggest:

1. Point people to an ISP founded precisely to ensure people's access to independent media:

2. Use a progressive e-mail service such as Electric Embers that has vast experience dealing with the big ISPs:


benjamin melançon

Also wrote back to Steve Anderson of who sent me the link:

Jeff Cohen on the failure of MoveOn, DailyKos to stop corporate Democrats

Hillary Rolls On: Are Netroots a Paper Tiger? - Jeff Cohen

His argument:

  1. The online activists in the Democratic Party don't like Hillary Clinton much (and they should really not like her: Cohen reminds the netroots of the disaster the corporatist policies Bill Clinton's presidency wrought on fair trade and progressive initiatives, and the likelihood of Hillary Clinton bringing more of the same).

Imposing Extreme Capitalism: Killing Democratic Alternatives

Naomi Klein at the annual conference for the American Sociological Association broadcast by Democracy Now:

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