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I put the chocolate in the Chocalatada

on Vashon Island, Washington, USA.

I brought the ice, water, and all the cheese plates in.

I broke up and distributed all the chocolate for the 20 tables.

Most importantly in K and J's eyes, i fetched coffee.

Helped with check-in and check-out.

And then with the breakdown and putting away of chairs.

Fun event!

And the Aviatrix - amazing.

Leaving Portland

Portland looked fresh and clean – literally washed – flying in. Gives much the same impression from the ground, too.

Very pleasant to see A.

I like my cities living up to their weather stereotypes.

The train pulls out of union station past the Mounted Patrol Unit's one(?) horse in a large covered pen by the river.

Then through industry and electric utilities-- and and an International Lonshoremen's Union local office!

Flying out of Oakland, bound for Portland. Self-indulgent reflections.

Got to see a new Bay Area town:
Alameda. And went to a barber who has been there since

I'm not afraid of flying, but i don't love to fly, and this i'm not taking the gigantic carbon footprint issues into account.

What i'm trying to say, is that when the plane has a long taxi to the runway, i inevitably think "it's ok if we don't take off. Sure, it'll take longer to roll there, but i don't mind."

Seeing Lake Merritt shortly after takeoff, and identifying the run, and where K and B's apartment is. Very cool.


New haircut courtesy of the barber shop Brad frequents.

New jacket courtesy Tal Greenberg.

I'm ready to go see K.

2010 November in text messages

K: "I drive to work in the shadow of a great snowcapped tit of the goddess - life is good. Chaotic, but good."

KM messaging me about her and Fox's locations (with excellent suggestions like "Fox wants donuts" and "At sushi w/ veggie platters @ 2017 shattuck ave, Ichiban" during BADcamp).

Based on a text conversation with A, i now have to write "A Jewish Boy's Guide to Living Without Guilt".

i think i just lost brain cells to dehydration

though the order of these events (and so which is cause and which is effect) can be argued, it sure felt like they were dying of dehydration.

Went to the gym with D two mornings in a row! Pity i'm back to traveling again almost immediately.

home alone. I wish i had more people in the area who would just drop by (or vice versa), especially when i have rescued Indian leftovers for a crew of 20, courtesy an event happening next to the Drupal meetup Tuesday.

On the other hand, i can eat rice out of a jar with the last of the tomato sauce, and not get dressed after showering.

Birds before the sunset sky on Cape Cod (no picture, sorry)

Yesterday, around 6pm.

In the widest and flattest part of the horizon looking from my grandfather's porch, the sky is a light orange-red from the sunset, and silhouetted seagulls danced on the horizon.

Now why couldn't i have said at least that to K, instead of "thanks for getting me to step outside, i don't know what the birds are doing in front of the sunset but it's beautiful." ?

Back from 18 hours in Montreal (and 12 traveling), catching up with people

Dropped H off at South Station after only missing a few turns on the highway getting into Boston, took the rental back to the airport, and returned to South Station via silver line. We've got a system, now.

A is still apartment hunting.

AG doing all right.

Thank the god she doesn't particularly believe in, a good conversation again with K.
She said perfectly what we need: Work for a real company, learn some things we like about how they operate, and all the things we don't like about how they operate, and then do our own thing.

Headed to the West Coast– BADcamp and more

Just booked a plane ticket to San Francisco. One way, but i know i need to be coming back around December first. But maybe to NYC, or West Virginia, and maybe i'll be flying out of Seattle... at the least i'll likely prefer to fly out of Oakland instead of SFO, and i can get a flight from there as of this moment for $170– a $10 saving over booking a round trip, with the $180 ticket there.

And tonight i take off for Montreal.

I am 30 years old, and rotting from my teeth and my toes. Everything in between is fine though.

Almost certainly a cavity in the sideways lower left wisdom tooth.

And my father's toenail fungus. But my tea tree oil order that just came in from should take care of that.

So i should research how inadvisable it is to let the cavity remove my wisdom tooth for me, and aim for perfection in 6 months ;-)

weekend plans with A

The bare connection of the telephone

Reached K, and D finally.

A says he's working another odd job.

I cleaned the kitchen and living room a little bit, and when Mom got back from New Hampshire just a little bit ago tonight, she asked, "Who's coming?"

Commonwealth Games in India, and Drupal

The Commonwealth Games was a Drupal site. The games brought a lot of pride to India, but they also brought a lot of homelessness and debt. I'd rather Drupal were doing more to help those who could never pay for a site like the Games'.

Oct. 5 and 6 in Cambridge (Drupal meetup) and Boston (South Station)

On the way in to the meetup, Dan drove through Needham Heights - they have a commuter rail stop and a trader joes.

Dan presented pretty well on


Boston public transit restroom moment:

Little girl with her father in a stall of the men's bathroom, South Station:
"I didn't know they had art on the wall."
"It's called graffiti."

Cathy's wedding (Oct 2)

Wery proper wedding!

Positively stunning maid of honor (Steph), fortunately Cathy presented an absolutely gorgeous bride.

Old folks and little children dancing!

Fantastic Rosemary dish. Rich just had two ziti and said how fantastic it was, the rosemary and spices infusing everything

Cathy grabbed me for the first dance after the wedding party had their turn, and everyone in it was supposed to grab someone from the audience.

Trying to dance cotton-eyed joe behind Manda, Bobby and i trying to learn from her.


Cape Cod and New York with Beautiful People

Been quite the past week and i better get some thoughts and memories down in journal form.

Dan and Shannon drove me up to Grandpa's on Thursday. We got some work done, got a good start on setting up Grandpa's new computer, and Grandpa took us out to dinner at Van Rensselear's, where we peer-pressured Shannon into joining in on the highly-touted salad bar, even though she felt she had enough on order with the main course.

Time with J

Old voicemail

2010 October in text messages

Cathy's wedding.
Remotely greeting the couchsurfer.
Work collective at the cape and time in NYC.
Getting to Montreal with H.

Reason #12 for writing one's own book before the handbook


i've been working all bloody night, making lots of improvements to using the theme layer,

I'd even written the damn log message already.

Somehow i accidentally clicked on another link - the CVS applications review link - and it's gone, all gone, back to the old largely wrong text, when i hit the back button.

It's got to be something messed up about because i can click on links here and click back and everything's fine.
